Connecting with strategic partners to the benefit of our customers
We collaborate with partners that help us provide greater value to our customers. In addition, we are always interested in finding new partners that can help create the best collective solution suited for the customer’s specific needs. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us to discuss potential partnerships.

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunication companies present in more than 50 countries. They have roaming agreements with several telecommunication providers enabling NB-IoT roaming in several countries.
AVK Smart Water collaborates with Deutsche Telekom to be able to roam on their extensive NB-IoT network throughout the world. The NB-IoT technology is ideal for data collection in underground installations as it improves network efficiency significantly compared to other Low Power IoT technologies. The collaboration enables AVK Smart Water to offer IoT products with NB-IoT communication technology that are both easier to deploy and give the highest possible quality of data from below ground.

Diehl Metering is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and supply of smart metering solutions. With over 150 years of experience, they empower utilities, municipalities, and industries to take control of their infrastructures, bringing greater efficiency, sustainability, and responsibility to the way they manage water and energy.
AVK Smart Water collaborates with Diehl Metering (Denmark). The collaboration is based on integration between the IZAR platform of Diehl Metering and the smart sensors of AVK Smart Water. The purpose with the collaboration is to make it easier for water utilities to integrate data from different companies to get the full overview of the operations of the water network.
Halsnæs Utility is one of the happy customers of the integration between Diehl Metering and AVK Smart Water. Read more about the solution for Halsnæs Forsyning here.

Digita is a service provider that develops and provides companies with the digital infrastructure they require, including the design, construction, and maintenance of the infrastructure. They offer a complete nation-wide infrastructure for the Internet of Things as a service platform for their partners’ solutions.
AVK Smart Water collaborates with Digita to offer IoT solutions in Finland connected to a reliable and stable network. The collaboration makes it easier for water utilities to utilise the possibilities within IoT without struggling with all the challenges connected to communication technologies.