FLONIDAN products release

FLONIDAN Releases First Ever Ultrasonic Smart Gas Meter

After years of scientific research and fine-tuning, FLONIDAN presents their first ever ultrasonic gas meter: SciFlo®. The first variant is designed for the UK smart meter market. 07-05-2021

The UK smart meter market

Following the 2009 EU directive about smart metering, the UK government mandated a nationwide rollout of smart meters to replace the 53 million gas and electricity meters installed across the country. The rollout was set to begin in 2010, but constraints related to legislation, technology and latest Corona have challenged the process. Today, less than 1/3 of the meters are replaced and UK utilities are struggling to meet the deadline.

Geared for mass deployment

With millions of installations still to come, UK utilities are keen to speed up the installation and avoid costly and troublesome installation processes. With features like Automated Network Assist and Auto-Connect the new SciFlo® smart gas meter targets just that. It enables a swift and simple installation process combined with long-life and high-performance; - all in a one-size-fits-all meter.

No wear and tear

Unlike common gas meters, the SciFlo® is a static meter with no moving parts, and volume is detected and measured via ultrasound. This principle demonstrates high accuracy, and it stays unaffected by the natural wear and tear, that takes place over a long service life. As a result, SciFlo® has a lifetime of 15+ years with pinpoint accuracy and an absolute minimum of maintenance.

Noiseless operation

While UK consumers are reportedly positive towards the benefits of having a smart meter installed in their homes, the ticking sound of a gas meter in operation can cause frustration. With no moving parts SciFlo® operates silently, putting noise complaints to a stop, and enabling installation even in living spaces.

Indoor as well as outdoor

With high water protection and high fireproof ability, SciFlo® is suited for both indoor and outdoor installation. 80mm high and 135mm deep SciFlo® is less than half the size of a common gas meter and will fit in even the most confined spaces. This allows meter installers to always bring the same type of gas meter, despite the changing installation scenarios.

Connected to the nationwide UK smart meter network

SciFlo® is connected to an inhouse communication hub, which connects to a nationwide smart meter network. This enables consumers to track their gas usage on an in-home display and gas providers to have frequent meter readings. The network connection also allows for over the air upgrades of the software in SciFlo®.

High expectations

Although SciFlo® was launched during the pandemic the reception has been quite positive and the interest high. FLONIDAN expects to secure the first big UK contract in coming months and other markets are expected to follow in coming years.

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