The concept of Power to X

Water challenges and global goals

Clean water and renewable energy are essential resources for people and the environment throughout the world

Today, our global resources are under pressure due to increasing water scarcity and population growth.

According to the World Economic Forum in 2015, the predominant threat to human welfare and well-being was - and still is, for the next ten years - the over-exploitation of water resources. Worldwide, 6 out of 10 people lack safely managed sanitation services, and 3 out of 10 lack safely managed water services (UNICEF 2018).

Globally, less than half of all wastewater is collected and even less than 20 % of it is treated before it is released back into nature. This has led to severe environmental issues like pollution and climate change. It also poses a threat to the sustainability of access to clean water sources. According to the UN, half of the world's population will lack access to clean drinking water by 2030. 

This calls for more attention on water and sanitation issues in the global political agenda, and on even more efficient and sustainable solutions to water distribution and wastewater management.

The UN has adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which was designed to lead the world in a more sustainable direction:


AVK sustainable development goals
With an eye to new business opportunities and higher expectations for local and global sustainability, AVK - as a global leader in water and wastewater industry working together with water utilities – shall take social responsibility and create value in contribution to the achievement of a number of SDGs. AVK primarily focuses on goal no. 6 and no. 11 in relation to ensuring access to water and sanitation for all and making cities safe, resilient and sustainable and goal no. 7 in relation to ensuring access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy.

Our solutions contribute to the SDGs in ensuring cleaner water and sanitation, in reducing water waste, electricity consumption and CO2 emissions, and in turning wastewater into affordable and clean energy. All of which forming the foundation for more sustainable cities and communities.
Mexico city view

Water on the energy agenda:

Our world is changing, and we need to keep up

Water is underrated, when it comes to its potential in meeting our goals of sustainable development. Water and energy are inseparable elements: water management needs energy, and energy production needs water.

Re-thinking the setup between water and energy management could mean savings on both carbon footprints, health risks and scarce resources. Want to know how this could apply in a large-scale capitol as Mexico City?

sustainability in production

Sustainable energy: From biomass to electricity

At Cramlington Biomass CHP Plant – expected to be up and running by the end of 2017 – the CO2 savings of 56,000 tonnes annually compared to a gas-fired power plant leads to a reduction of greenhouse gas emission equivalent to taking 25,000 cars off the road every year.
Image of top news Southern Europe

Case: Biogas

AVK products in largest biogas plant in Southern Europe

Transforming millions of tons of waste into energy and improving the environmental conditions of an entire region.