The Wyong Shire Council in New South Wales decided to upgrade their pre-existing sewage treatment plant
Wyong is situated on the central coast of New South Wales. The new inlet works structure was built to house the screening of the sewage and the grit removal. Inlet works were designed to be completely covered so the odour could be reduced especially for the local residents.
Leed Engineering won the contract to build the new works. AVK were successful in supplying the electrically actuated penstocks. The penstocks are used to isolate parts of the structure for maintenance and bypass purposes. The penstocks were manufactured by Orbinox AVK in Spain and were all 316 stainless steel given the waste product filtering through.

Traditionally, wall mounted systems are used. In this case it was requested by the local council that AVK supply a price, based on penstocks embedded in concrete. They were of the belief that the system would rule out any issues with leaks and so forth.
AVK provided four penstocks at a height of 1m and a couple at a height of 2.4m. The installation process had no major issues apart from the weather. For more information about our penstocks, please do not hesitate to contact AVK Flow Control.
AVK provided four penstocks at a height of 1m and a couple at a height of 2.4m. The installation process had no major issues apart from the weather. For more information about our penstocks, please do not hesitate to contact AVK Flow Control.