In September 2018, the world’s largest cruise ship "Oasis of the Seas" arrived for maintenance in the Dutch harbour of Rotterdam for the first time since its launch in 2008.
In 2008 Wouter Witzel has supplied approximately 1,000 butterfly valves for various purposes: bilge, ballast, sea water cooling, fresh water cooling, lubricating oil, fuel oil, grey water, black water, jacuzzi and swimming pool systems, fire fighting system, reverse osmosis, air conditioning, exhaust system and the scrubber system.
The Oasis of the Seas is a ship of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. and the first of two ships of the new Oasis-range. It is by far the largest cruise ship in the world.
During the construction the environmental impact of the ship has been taken into account. According to the owners, the Oasis of the Seas is one of the most environmentally friendly ships in the world. The ship uses 25% less energy than similar, but smaller cruise ships. Wastewater is reused and no sewage is dumped into the sea. The ship is equipped with nearly 2,000 square feet of solar panels for electricity generation.

Facts Oasis of the Seas
Length: 362 m
Sea Gauge: 9,30 m
Weight: 100.000 tonnes
Capacity: 6,360 passengers
Crew: 2,394
Launch: 22 November 2008
Building location: Turku, Finland
Built by: STX Europe

Scrubbers used in maritime industry
The white papers from Wouter Witzel provides you interesting business information and technical insights into common situations in worldwide valve technology.
Read the whitepaper "Scrubbers used in maritime industry"

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