AVK control valve, gate valves, fittings, air valve and VIDI smart sensors installed in the above-ground housing


Smart water system communicates irregularities and allows for remote operation

The Wilton Science Park houses companies that specialise in life sciences, sustainable processing and manufacturing technology. To secure the area's water supply, AVK valves and pressure sensors now send alerts to the operation team when necessary.

The challenge

In 2019, a burst water main feeding the Wilton Science Park caused comprehensive and high-cost damage. The resulting insurance investigations led to the Park’s insurers insisting that a contingency shut-off valve be installed as part of the reinstatement works. A complicating factor, however, was that the Park’s fire main was fed by the same water supply and could, of course, not be compromised.

Valve and sensors product selection

The chosen solution was to install an AVK series 879 diaphragm control valve fitted with VIDI flow and pressure sensors. The valve and sensors were linked to an AVK UK Smart Water PMD (Pressure Management Device), and the product installation was located in an above-ground housing for ease of access and maintenance.

Instant flow and pressure level alerts, and leakage detection

The PMD and VIDI sensors send alerts to the Park’s operations team whenever flow and pressure levels breach the agreed levels. If there is a leak, the PMD can automatically reduce pressure and alert the operations team who are able to close off the flow from their mobile phones or laptops, all achieved via remote communications to the valve. If changes in flow and pressure are due to the event of a fire, the valve remains open.

The new arrangement has already shown its worth in normal working conditions: the VIDI sensor detected a change in the flow, indicating a possible leak on the network. The PMD then reduced the pressure whilst the leak was detected and remedial measures taken, saving a significant amount of water and important resources.


AVK diaphragm control valve installed to keep track and control of the pressure in the system
The above-ground housing protecting the installation

The above images show the valves, sensors and PMD located in an above-ground housing for ease of access and maintenance with the engineering drawings overlaid.

Training and Support

AVK UK Smart Water Specialist Team were responsible for the specification, planning and commissioning of the valve configuration. Additionally, the team delivered training to the Park’s operations team to ensure they were able to get the most from the PMD and VIDI sensor technology.

One of AVK’s key promises is that our customers receive quality solutions to the challenges they face from us and not simply the supply of products. In the Wilton Science Park project this promise was a key element. We looked at the complex challenges faced by the Park, identified a solution, worked to deliver a design that was acceptable to all parties, and then implemented it. It was an immensely rewarding project to work on.

A smart network with AVK Smart Water solutions for a digitised water distribution

Smart Water Management

What is the AVK Smart Water solution?

Inside the distribution network there are multiple measuring points, but because the assets such as fittings and valves are buried deep in the ground, it is difficult to know exactly how these assets are positioned, where they are and whether they are intact or damaged. The AVK Smart Water solution is a way for utility companies to monitor the condition and specific assets in the water distribution network.

Learn more about the Smart Water Solution here.

AVK Smart Water animation


AVK Smart Water digital monitoring


Utility gets full overview of pressure in its network with NB-IoT sensors

“It was important to us that the solution we found could live up to our specific requirements,” says Mikkel Nielsen, COO at Halsnæs Forsyning. AVK delivered 16 NB-IoT pressure sensors with API integration into the utility's current IT system.