For some time, Halsnæs Forsyning has experienced challenges monitoring the pressure in the distribution network. The challenge arises when inquiries from customers need attention. This leads to time-consuming searches that are often in vain because it is difficult to identify the source of the problem.
Three specific requirements for the solution
Therefore, Halsnæs Forsyning was looking for a solution that could help them monitor the water pressure across 21 section wells. Furthermore, they needed a solution that met a certain set of requirements.
“It was important to us that the solution we found could live up to our specific requirements,” says Mikkel Nielsen, COO at Halsnæs Forsyning. He continues:
“First of all, we needed sensors that could be located in a large geographical area without connection to the power grid. Secondly, the sensors had to be powerful enough to penetrate cast iron and composite lids, so we could be sure to receive data from them. And thirdly, we wanted a full integration of the data from the sensors to our existing IT system.“
AVK delivers wireless NB-IoT sensors with an integrated API
Initially, AVK delivered NB-IoT sensors for five section wells. Four of them installed in wells with cast iron lids and one with composite lid. All five sensors worked impeccably and sent important pressure data back to the utility.
Therefore, Halsnæs decided to install 16 sensors more in the remaining important section wells. Now, the operation manager has a quick overview of the water pressure in the network right at hand. Based on the information from the sensors, he can check directly in the IT system and determine whether the pressure is correct according to the pre-sets or not. That way, he can also rule out if the problem is caused by something in the distribution network – saving both time and unnecessary driving.